Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Codepenency Continued

My life is crazy, and I'm partially if not totally to blame for it. I try to first and for most keep myself happy, but I also try to make others happy too. It's co-dependency, and it's damaging to myself, and to those around me.

It's as if I'm self sabotaging my own life.

Here I go out of my way to make sure people around me are happy, and in return, I get kicked in the gut, slapped in the face, and so on. I get really pissed off about it, but then I realize, it's my own fault. I'm trying to  make someone happy that doesn't want to be. I'm exerting my energy to make someone a priority, when they won't exert the energy to make themselves a priority. Why do I do this? Bottom line, I'm not sure. I guess it's some deep seated need to make someone happy. That doesn't make it right.

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