Monday, December 13, 2010

Lesson learned

Much can be learned through the mistakes of others. I've often heard this said before, but I think that one learns more from their own mistakes, sometimes with painful consequences.

Take myself for instance, hopelessly in love with the most wonderful of women. There are several miles between us, which makes it harder than most relationships. The distance between two hearts is often greater than the geography would show. Between the two, it's damn tough. Tougher than i ever imagined it could be.

With that said, I did a terribly stupid thing the other night. I assumed. Thats right, mad an ass of myself, and assumed that something i saw was about me, and it wasn't. I over re-acted, jumped to conclusions, and really hurt the woman i love. It's not easy to say that, or type it, but it's what I did, and I can't take it back.

She pointed out to me that I could have handled the situation much better than i did, and she was right. I could have done a lot of other things. I could have gone for a walk, thought it over, and waited to discuss it with her. It would have saved a lot of heartache all the way around.

For me, I feel like a fool. Lesson learned. I must say i'm pretty good about not making the same mistakes repeatedly.

I asked her if were ok now, and I got a "I reckon so", which is good enough for me.

I'm in love, and some days it's not easy, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

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